
Date Released : 4 February 2011
Quality : R5
Info :
Starring : Rhys Wakefield, Allison Cratchley and Christopher Baker
Genre : Action | Adventure | Drama

R E S E N S I [Indonesian]

Bagaimanapun bagusnya sebuah persiapan, selalu ada faktor X yang tak terduga. Frank McGuire (Richard Roxburgh) tahu itu namun kadang ada saat ketika orang tak pernah memperkirakan seberapa besar risiko yang ia hadapi karena munculnya faktor X tadi. Saat Frank sadar, semuanya sudah terlambat dan yang tersisa hanyalah kemauan yang kuat untuk bertahan hidup.

Frank mungkin sudah menjelajahi gua-gua di Esa-ala selama berbulan-bulan namun saat badai memaksa Frank dan timnya masuk lebih dalam lagi, yang mereka dapatkan adalah keajaiban dunia yang mungkin belum pernah disaksikan orang lain. Di saat yang sama, Frank dan timnya pun harus mencari jalan keluar secepatnya. Mereka tak mungkin diam di sana lebih lama atau mereka akan selamanya jadi penghuni lorong-lorong dalam gua itu.

Awalnya semua berjalan lancar sampai sebuah badai yang tiba-tiba datang membanjiri jalan keluar mereka dan tak mungkin lagi Frank dan timnya keluar lewat jalan yang seharusnya, tak ada pilihan selain mencoba mencari jalan keluar lain. Sayangnya, lorong-lorong dalam gua itu tak terlalu bersahabat. Mencari jalan keluar bukanlah permasalahan mudah.

R E V I E W [English]

However good a preparation, there's always the unexpected X factor. Frank McGuire (Richard Roxburgh) knew it but sometimes there are times when people had never predict how much risk he faced because of the emergence of the X factor earlier. When Frank realized, it was too late and all that remains is a strong will to survive.

Frank may have been exploring caves in Esa-ala for months but when the storm forced the Franks and his team go deeper, they discover the wonders of the world who may never have witnessed other people. At the same time, Frank and his team must find a way out immediately. They could not have stayed there longer or they will forever be residents of the halls in the cave.

At first all went well until a storm that had suddenly come flooding their way out and no longer possible to Frank and his team go out the way it should, there is no choice but to try to find another way out. Unfortunately, the halls in the cave was not too friendly. Seeking a way out is not easy problems.

Note : setelah download ke dua part, gabung dengan HJ Split. untuk download HJ Split klik disini.

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