127 Hour

Date Released : 7 January 2011
Quality : BRRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt1542344
Starring : James Franco, Amber Tamblyn and Kate Mara
Genre : Adventure | Biography | Drama

R E S E N S I [Indonesian]

Hanya kemauan untuk hidup yang sangat tinggi yang membuat Aron Ralston (James Franco) berhasil menyelamatkan dirinya dari ganasnya alam. Meski terpaksa harus kehilangan satu tangannya, Aron tak pernah menyerah. Meski ia harus mendaki tebing tinggi dan berjalan bermil-mil, itu tak membuat Aron mundur. Di saat-saat tanpa kepastian ini, hanya refleksi masa lalu yang membayang di mata Aron.

Karena sebuah kecelakaan, Aron terjebak di sebuah ngarai di Utah. Dalam keadaan terluka, Aron hampir menyerah. Tak ada harapan untuk selamat. Pada saat orang-orang sadar kalau Aron hilang, semuanya bakal terlambat. Kalau Aron ingin hidup, satu-satunya cara adalah dengan menyelamatkan dirinya sendiri.

Dengan tangan yang terluka dan hampir membusuk, Aron tak punya pilihan selain mengamputasi tangannya sendiri. Dengan segala keberanian, Aron lantas mendaki tebing setinggi 65 kaki dan berjalan sejauh delapan mil sebelum ia akhirnya terselamatkan. Selama perjalanan, yang ada di benak Aron adalah teman-teman, kekasih, keluarga, dan dua orang pendaki yang sempat ia jumpai sebelum kecelakaan. Akankan mereka jadi orang terakhir yang bertemu Aron?

R E V I E W [English]

Only the will to live is very high which makes Aron Ralston (James Franco) managed to save himself from the fierce nature. Although forced to lose one arm, Aron never give up. Although he had to climb a high cliff and walked for miles, it did not make Aron retreat. In times of uncertainty, only the reflection of the past is looming in the eyes of Aron.

Because of an accident, Aaron was trapped in a canyon in Utah. In an injured, Aron almost gave up. No hope for survivors. By the time people realized that Aaron is lost, everything is going to be late. If Aaron wants to live, the only way is to save himself.

With hands that were injured and nearly rotted, Aron had no choice but to amputate his own hand. With all the courage, Aron cliff and then climb as high as 65 feet and walk as far as eight miles before he was finally saved. During the trip, which exist in the mind of Aaron are friends, lovers, family, and two climbers who had he met before the accident. Will they be the last person to see Aaron?

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