Gulliver's Travels

Date Released : 25 December 2010
Quality : R5
Info :
Starring : Jack Black, Emily Blunt and Jason Segel
Genre : Adventure | Comedy | Fantasy

R E S E N S I [Indonesian]

Lemuel Gulliver (Jack Black) adalah seorang pembual. Meski biasanya kisah bohong yang ia ceritakan tidak berakibat apa-apa namun kali ini mulut besar Gulliver akan menyeret pria ini ke dalam masalah yang sangat besar. Entah apakah Gulliver siap menerima konsekuensi dari bualannya atau tidak.

Gulliver bekerja di sebuah harian terbitan New York sebagai petugas pengantar dokumen. Suatu saat Gulliver membual bahwa ia sebenarnya adalah seorang penulis. Celakanya, bualan ini dipercaya dan Gulliver mendapat tugas untuk membuat laporan perjalanan ke sebuah daerah asing yang terletak di segitiga bermuda. Dengan santai Gulliver menerima pekerjaan ini dengan harapan bisa memikat hati Darcy Silverman (Amanda Peet), travel editor yang menugaskannya ke sana.

Sayangnya, perjalanan ini malah membawa Gulliver ke sebuah negeri yang dihuni oleh para liliput. Jelas saja di tempat itu Gulliver jadi raksasa. Meski sudah merasakan sendiri akibat dari mulut besarnya tapi Gulliver sepertinya belum jera. Sekali lagi ia membual pada penguasa di negeri para kurcaci itu dan kali ini hasilnya ternyata di luar dugaan. Gulliver malah hampir menghancurkan negeri itu dan kini ia harus menerima konsekuensi dari perbuatannya.

Satu lagi film yang dibuat berdasarkan kisah klasik. Kalau beberapa film lain yang mencoba menafsirkan ulang kisah klasik bisa dibilang berhasil, yang satu ini sepertinya gagal total. Di atas kertas sebenarnya GULLIVER'S TRAVELS ini cukup menjanjikan. Bagaimana tidak, kisah aslinya sendiri jelas sudah dikenal baik oleh para penonton dan adalah tugas sang sutradara dan penulis naskah untuk menafsirkan ulang kisah klasik itu agar lebih relevan dengan kondisi sekarang.

Nyatanya, film ini sendiri ternyata tak menawarkan terlalu banyak. Paling tidak, naskah memang terasa pas-pasan. Kalau Anda merasa puas dengan penafsiran ulang Guy Ritchie atas SHERLOCK HOLMES maka jangan kecewa kalau yang satu ini ternyata tak sebanding dengan film yang dibintangi Robert Downey Jr itu.

Bahkan para aktor dan aktris yang notabene adalah nama-nama besar Hollywood pun sepertinya tak bisa berbuat banyak mengangkat pamor film ini. Jack Black, seperti biasa, beraksi konyol namun pada akhirnya secara keseluruhan film ini tak bisa dibilang terlalu menghibur. Sayang memang mengingat banyak nama besar termasuk Emily Blunt dan Amanda Peet yang dipasang sebagai pemeran dalam film ini.

R E V I E W [English]

Lemuel Gulliver (Jack Black) is a braggart. Although usually tell the story of a lie that he did not lead to anything but this time the big mouth Gulliver would drag this man into a very big problem. I do not know whether Gulliver is ready to accept the consequences of bualannya or not.

Gulliver worked in a newspaper published in New York as an official introduction to the document. One time Gulliver boasted that he was actually a writer. Unfortunately, this boasting Gulliver trusted and given the task to make the report a trip to a foreign area located in the Bermuda triangle. With a relaxed Gulliver accept this job in the hope of enticing Darcy Silverman (Amanda Peet), the travel editor who assigned him to it.

Unfortunately, this trip even take Gulliver into a country inhabited by the little man. Obviously the place to be a giant Gulliver. Although you have to feel alone because of the big mouth but Gulliver apparently not learned his lesson. Once again he boasted on the ruler in a land of dwarves, and this time the results were beyond expectations. Gulliver even nearly destroyed the country and now he must accept the consequences of his actions.

One more movie made based on the classic tale. If some other films that try to reinterpret the classic story of arguably successful, this one seems to fail miserably. On paper Gulliver's Travels is actually quite promising. How not, the original story itself clearly was familiar to the audience and is the duty of the director and script writers to reinterpret the classic story that is more relevant for current conditions.

In fact, the film itself was not offering too much. At the very least, the script did seem mediocre. If you feel satisfied with the reinterpretation of Sherlock Holmes Guy Ritchie then do not be disappointed if this one was not comparable to a movie starring Robert Downey Jr's.

Even the actors and actresses which is actually a Hollywood big names seemed to have little to raise prestige of this movie. Jack Black, as always, act silly, but in the end as a whole this film is hardly too entertaining. Darling was considering a lot of big names including Emily Blunt and Amanda Peet is installed as an actor in this film.

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The Resident

Date Released : 17 February 2011
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Starring : Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Hilary Swank and Christopher Lee
Genre : Drama | Horror | Thriller

R E S E N S I [Indonesia]

Apartemen itu memang sangat menggoda. Selain luas, pemandangan yang bisa dilihat dari sana pun sangat indah. Bukan itu saja, pemilik apartemen itu pun ramah dan selalu siap membantu. Jelas saja tak perlu waktu lama buat Dr. Juliet Dermer (Hilary Swank) untuk menentukan pilihan. Sayangnya, apa yang terlihat indah tak selalu benar-benar indah.

Juliet memang ingin memulai hidup baru sejak ia memutuskan berpisah dari suaminya. Apartemen ini adalah langkah awal Juliet memulai hidup baru itu. Awalnya memang tak ada masalah. Selain itu, Juliet tahu kalau menempati apartemen baru adalah hal yang biasa dan tak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan. Celakanya, dugaan Juliet ini tak sepenuhnya benar. Pelan-pelan Juliet mulai merasakan keanehan yang terjadi di sekitarnya.

Ia merasa kalau ia tak sendiri di dalam apartemennya. Berbagai kejadian aneh itu membuat Juliet mulai merasa resah. Juliet tahu ada yang mengawasi dirinya meski ia tak bisa membuktikan apapun. Di luar pengetahuan Juliet, ternyata Max (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), pemilik apartemen yang ia sewa ternyata punya niat jahat terhadap Juliet. Kini impian memiliki apartemen idaman itu musnah sudah dan Juliet harus berjuang keras untuk pergi dari tempat mengerikan itu.

R E V I E W [English]

The apartment was very tempting indeed. In addition to spacious, the view can be seen from there are very beautiful. Not only that, the apartment owner was friendly and always ready to help. Obviously it did not take long for Dr. Juliet Dermer (Hilary Swank) to make a choice. Unfortunately, what looks beautiful does not always really beautiful.

She did want to start a new life since she decided to separate from her husband. This apartment is the first step to start her new life. Initially there was no problem. Besides, she knew that occupy the new apartments are common and nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, alleged she was not entirely correct. Slowly she began to feel strange going on around him.

He felt if he was not alone in his apartment. Various strange things that made her begin to feel restless. She knows someone is watching him even though he could not prove anything. Outside Juliet's knowledge, it turns out Max (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), he leased the apartment owners turned out to have evil intentions towards Juliet. Now the dream has a dream apartment was destroyed already and she had to fight hard to get out of that horrible place.

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The Descent : Part 2

Date Released : 14 October 2009
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Starring : Shauna Macdonald, Douglas Hodge and Joshua Dallas
Genre : Adventure | Horror | Thriller

 R E S E N S I [Indonesian]

Saat keluar dari dalam gua, Sarah Carter (Shauna Macdonald) sama sekali tak bisa mengingat apa yang telah ia alami. Yang ia tahu adalah bahwa ia sangat ketakutan sementara sekujur tubuhnya berlumuran darah yang bukan miliknya. Sarah sama sekali tak ingat bahwa sebelumnya ia bersama kelima temannya telah menjelajahi gua yang baru saja ditinggalkannya.

Karena tak bisa mengingat kejadian sebelumnya, Sarah juga tak bisa menjelaskan apa pun pada polisi. Akibatnya, polisi pun memaksa Sarah untuk mengantarkan mereka ke dalam gua tempat ia tadi keluar. Polisi berharap setelah di dalam gua, Sarah bisa mengingat apa yang terjadi dan menuntun polisi ke arah kelima temannya yang belum ditemukan.

Semakin jauh Sarah dan para polisi itu masuk ke dalam gua, ingatan Sarah berangsur pulih walaupun hanya berbentuk kilasan kenangan saja. Baru setelah rombongan pencarian itu masuk jauh ke dalam gua, Sarah menyadari bahwa misi yang sedang mereka lakukan ini lebih berbahaya dari yang mereka kira. Ada makhluk penghuni gua yang tak ingin mereka menjelajahi wilayahnya. Makhluk yang sama juga yang telah merenggut nyawa kelima teman Sarah.

R E V I E W [English]

When out of the cave, Sarah Carter (Shauna Macdonald) simply could not remember what he had experienced. All he knew was that she was very scared while his whole body covered in blood that was not hers. Sarah did not remember that before he and five friends had been exploring caves that had just left.

Because I can not remember the previous incident, she also could not explain anything to the police. As a result, the police had forced her to drive them into the cave where he had come out. Police hope after in the cave, she could remember what had happened and led police to the five friends who have not been found.

The farther Sarah and the policemen entered the cave, the memory of Sarah gradually recovered, although only in the form of flash memory only. Only after the search party had entered deep into the cave, she realizes that the mission they are doing is more dangerous than they think. There is a cave dweller creatures who do not want them to explore the territory. The same creature that has claimed the lives of five friends Sarah.

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Waiting for Superman

Date Released : 8 October 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Starring : The Black Family, Geoffrey Canada and The Esparza Family
Genre : Documentary

R E S E N S I [Indonesian]

Buat orang Timur seperti kita, Amerika jelas adalah sebuah negara yang maju dengan pasti warganya pun mendapatkan pendidikan yang sangat maju pula. Nyatanya, anggapan itu tak sepenuhnya benar. Sistem pendidikan umum yang dijalankan di negeri Paman Sam ini nyatanya tak sebagus yang terlihat dari luar, banyak celah pada sistem yang membuat mereka yang tak terlalu 'beruntung' jadi terlewatkan dari program mencerdaskan bangsa ini.

Sistem pendidikan Amerika memang sempat membuahkan orang-orang besar nyatanya tak lagi berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Semboyan bahwa sistem pendidikan Amerika tak akan menjangkau semua anak ternyata hanyalah sebuah semboyan yang tak berwujud. Jutaan anak Amerika ternyata tak cukup beruntung untuk mengenyam pendidikan ini. Bukannya mendorong mereka untuk lebih maju, sistem pendidikan yang berjalan justru malah seolah menghalangi mereka dari kemajuan.

Davis Guggenheim, sutradara yang sempat meraih piala Oscar lewat film dokumenter berjudul AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH di tahun 2006 lalu mencoba membuka mata dunia dengan membuat film dokumenter berjudul WAITING FOR SUPERMAN ini. Para murid, keluarga mereka dan para pengajar adalah sumber materi yang menjadi bahan Davis dalam menyusun kisah tragis berdurasi 102 menit ini.

R E V I E W [English]

Make Eastern people like us, America clearly is an advanced country with its citizens must also obtain a very advanced education as well. In fact, the assumption was not entirely correct. Public education system that is run in the country, Uncle Sam is in fact not as good as that seen from the outside, many gaps in the system that makes them not-so 'lucky' to be missing from the nation this program.

American education system really had produced great men in fact no longer function properly. Motto that the American educational system will not reach all the children were merely a slogan that is not tangible. Millions of American children were not lucky enough to get an education. Instead of encouraging them to be more advanced, the education system that runs it even if they hinder the progress.

Davis Guggenheim, the director who had won an Oscar through his documentary An Inconvenient Truth in 2006 and then tried to open the eyes of the world by making a documentary film titled Waiting for this Superman. The students, their families and the teachers are the source material that is the subject of Davis in compiling the tragic story of a duration of 102 minutes of this.

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The Social Network (Kisah Perjanan Hidup Pencinta Facebook)

Date Released : 1 October 2010
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Starring : Jesse Eisenberg, Rooney Mara, Bryan Barter
Genre : Biography | Drama | History

R E S E N S I [Indonesian]

Saat Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) menciptakan Facebook, pernahkah terbayang di benak pria muda ini bahwa ia bakal menjadi jutawan termuda dan apa yang ia ciptakan bakal menjadi sebuah fenomena? Mungkin tidak, tapi yang pasti itulah yang benar-benar terjadi. Dan yang lebih pasti lagi, tidak mungkin kita bisa punya 500 juta kawan tanpa punya satu pun musuh.

Suatu malam di tahun 2003, Mark Zuckerberg duduk terpaku di depan komputer miliknya. Di benaknya berkecamuk sebuah ide yang harus segera ia wujudkan dan tak berapa lama kemudian, konsep dasar Facebook pun tercipta, meski saat itu masih belum bernama Facebook. Tak perlu lama buat konsep ini untuk menemukan bentuknya di kalangan pengguna internet, terutama para mahasiswa di seputar Amerika Serikat. Dalam waktu singkat, terciptalah apa yang kemudian menjadi revolusi dalam cara berkomunikasi.

Enam tahun kemudian, Mark Zuckerberg telah memiliki 500 juta teman di situs yang ia buat dan di saat yang sama Mark juga menjadi jutawan termuda saat itu. Sayangnya, tak semuanya bisa berjalan lancar. Perjalanan Mark juga diwarnai masalah pribadi dan urusan dengan hukum. Dan seperti disebutkan di atas, tak mungkin kita punya 500 juta teman tanpa punya satu pun musuh.

R E V I E W [English]

When Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg), creating up, have you ever imagined in the mind of this young man that he would become the youngest millionaire and what he created would become a phenomenon? Probably not, but certainly that's what really happened. And more certainly, it is not possible we could have 500 million friends without a single enemy.

One night in 2003, Mark Zuckerberg sat transfixed in front of his computer. In his mind raced with an idea that must soon realize it and not long later, the basic concept up is created, even though it was still not called up. No need to long for this concept to find its form among internet users, mainly students around the United States. In a short time, created what was to become a revolution in the way of communicating.

Six years later, Mark Zuckerberg already has 500 million friends on the site which he created and at the same time Mark also became the youngest millionaire at the time. Unfortunately, not everything can run smoothly. Mark Travel also tinged with personal problems and legal affairs. And as noted above, we may not have 500 million friends without a single enemy.


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The Story of Mr.Bean

Date Released : 1997
Quality : BDRip
Info : -
Starring : Rowan Atkinson
Genre : Biografi | Documenter | Comedy

R E V I E W [English]

Life is a difficult challenge for Mr Bean, who despite being a grown adult, has trouble completing even the simplest of tasks. Thankfully, his perseverence is usually rewarded, and he finds an ingenious way around the problem.


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127 Hour

Date Released : 7 January 2011
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Starring : James Franco, Amber Tamblyn and Kate Mara
Genre : Adventure | Biography | Drama

R E S E N S I [Indonesian]

Hanya kemauan untuk hidup yang sangat tinggi yang membuat Aron Ralston (James Franco) berhasil menyelamatkan dirinya dari ganasnya alam. Meski terpaksa harus kehilangan satu tangannya, Aron tak pernah menyerah. Meski ia harus mendaki tebing tinggi dan berjalan bermil-mil, itu tak membuat Aron mundur. Di saat-saat tanpa kepastian ini, hanya refleksi masa lalu yang membayang di mata Aron.

Karena sebuah kecelakaan, Aron terjebak di sebuah ngarai di Utah. Dalam keadaan terluka, Aron hampir menyerah. Tak ada harapan untuk selamat. Pada saat orang-orang sadar kalau Aron hilang, semuanya bakal terlambat. Kalau Aron ingin hidup, satu-satunya cara adalah dengan menyelamatkan dirinya sendiri.

Dengan tangan yang terluka dan hampir membusuk, Aron tak punya pilihan selain mengamputasi tangannya sendiri. Dengan segala keberanian, Aron lantas mendaki tebing setinggi 65 kaki dan berjalan sejauh delapan mil sebelum ia akhirnya terselamatkan. Selama perjalanan, yang ada di benak Aron adalah teman-teman, kekasih, keluarga, dan dua orang pendaki yang sempat ia jumpai sebelum kecelakaan. Akankan mereka jadi orang terakhir yang bertemu Aron?

R E V I E W [English]

Only the will to live is very high which makes Aron Ralston (James Franco) managed to save himself from the fierce nature. Although forced to lose one arm, Aron never give up. Although he had to climb a high cliff and walked for miles, it did not make Aron retreat. In times of uncertainty, only the reflection of the past is looming in the eyes of Aron.

Because of an accident, Aaron was trapped in a canyon in Utah. In an injured, Aron almost gave up. No hope for survivors. By the time people realized that Aaron is lost, everything is going to be late. If Aaron wants to live, the only way is to save himself.

With hands that were injured and nearly rotted, Aron had no choice but to amputate his own hand. With all the courage, Aron cliff and then climb as high as 65 feet and walk as far as eight miles before he was finally saved. During the trip, which exist in the mind of Aaron are friends, lovers, family, and two climbers who had he met before the accident. Will they be the last person to see Aaron?

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Quality : BRRip
Info :
Starring : Dwayne Johnson, Tom Berenger, Maggie Grace
Genre : Action | Crime | Drama

 R E S E N S I

Setelah bebas selama 10 tahun dipenjara, Driver (Dwayne Johnson) memiliki misi tunggal: untuk membalas dendam atas pembunuhan saudaranya. Perampokan gagal yang terjadi di masa lalu membuat saudaranya tewas dan dia pun ditahan. Sekarang sebagai orang yang bebas dengan daftar balas dendam di tangan, dia berpegang pada misinya, dengan dua orang teman: seorang polisi veteran (Billy Bob Thornton) yang dalam hitungan hari akan pensiun, dan pembunuh bayaran muda yang egosentris (Oliver Jackson- Cohen) dengan bakat seni untuk membunuh – yang telah menemukan lawan baru. Pemburu juga bisa diburu. Ini adalah perlombaan lakukan-atau-mati untuk menyelesaikan daftar misteri tentang siapa pembunuh saudaranya, dan daftar baru juga muncul di sepanjang jalan mengisyaratkan bahwa daftar yang Driver miliki mungkin tidak lengkap.

R E V I E W [English]

After surviving for 10 years in prison, Driver (Dwayne Johnson) has a singular mission: to seek revenge for the murder of his brother. Failed robbery that occurred in the past to make his brother died and he was arrested. Now as a free man with revenge list in hand, he held on his mission, with two friends: a veteran cop (Billy Bob Thornton) who will retire in a matter of days, and an egocentric young assassin (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) with artistic talent for killing - which has found a new opponent. Hunters also can be hunted. This is a race to do-or-die for the complete list of mystery about who killed his brother, and a new list also appear along the way suggests that the drivers have a list may be incomplete.

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Mirrors 2

Date Released : 19 October 2010
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Starring : Nick Stahl, Emmanuelle Vaugier, Lawrence Turner
Genre : Horror | Mystery | Thriller

R E V I E W [English]

When Max, who is recovering from a traumatic accident, takes a job as a nighttime security guard, he begins to see visions of a young mysterious woman in the store's mirror.

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Scooby-Doo : Camp Scare

Date Released : 14 September 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Starring : Frank Welker, Mindy Cohn and Matthew Lillard
Genre : Animation

 R E V I E W [English]

Back-to-nature chills and thrills with Scooby-Doo's all-new original movie! Welcome to Camp Little Moose--where the counselors are friendly, the activities are endless and the urban legends are intense. In fact, every time someone tells a ghost story, the creepy creature comes to life! But the Mystery Inc. gang doesn't spook that easily so gather 'round the campfire to roast some bad guys. Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Freddy, Daphne and Velma fish for clues to solve the mysteries of The Woodsman, The Fishman and The Banshee of Black Canyon. And of course, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo are hot on The Case of What's for Dinner! Scare up summertime fun with the Mystery Inc. gang in this hilarious, feature-length movie that gives new meaning to camp spirit!

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All Star Superman

Date Released : 22 February 2011
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Starring : Christina Hendricks, Matthew Gray Gubler and Linda Cardellini
Genre : Animation

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So Close

Date Released : 12 September 2002
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Starring : Qi Shu, Wei Zhao and Karen Mok
Genre : Action | Adventure | Comedy
 R E S E N S I

Lynn (Shu Qi), seorang pembunuh bayaran profesional, disewa oleh Chow Nunn untuk membunuh saudaranya, seorang ahli komputer. Sementara Kong Yat Hong (Karen Mok) adalah seorang polisi cantik yang menyamar dan bertugas untuk menyelidik pembunuhan tersebut.

Untuk menghilangkan jejak, Nunn memerintahkan Sue (Zhao Wei), saudara Lynn, untuk membunuh Hong. Sebenarnya nantinya Nunn sendiri berencana untuk membunuh kedua bersaudara tersebut.

Lynn berusaha menyelamatkan Sue, namun ia datang terlambat. Untuk melawan Hong, Lynn menyerang orang-orang suruhan Nunn hingga titik darah penghabisan.

R E V I E W [English]

Lynn (Shu Qi), a professional assassin, hired by Chow Nunn to kill his brother, a computer expert. Meanwhile, Kong Yat Hong (Karen Mok) is a beautiful undercover cop and assigned to investigate the murder.

To eliminate the traces, Nunn ordered Sue (Zhao Wei), brother of Lynn, to kill Hong. Nunn will actually own plan to kill the two brothers.

Lynn tried to save Sue, but she came late. To fight Hong, Lynn attacking the messengers, Nunn until the death.


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Date Released : 4 February 2011
Quality : R5
Info :
Starring : Rhys Wakefield, Allison Cratchley and Christopher Baker
Genre : Action | Adventure | Drama

R E S E N S I [Indonesian]

Bagaimanapun bagusnya sebuah persiapan, selalu ada faktor X yang tak terduga. Frank McGuire (Richard Roxburgh) tahu itu namun kadang ada saat ketika orang tak pernah memperkirakan seberapa besar risiko yang ia hadapi karena munculnya faktor X tadi. Saat Frank sadar, semuanya sudah terlambat dan yang tersisa hanyalah kemauan yang kuat untuk bertahan hidup.

Frank mungkin sudah menjelajahi gua-gua di Esa-ala selama berbulan-bulan namun saat badai memaksa Frank dan timnya masuk lebih dalam lagi, yang mereka dapatkan adalah keajaiban dunia yang mungkin belum pernah disaksikan orang lain. Di saat yang sama, Frank dan timnya pun harus mencari jalan keluar secepatnya. Mereka tak mungkin diam di sana lebih lama atau mereka akan selamanya jadi penghuni lorong-lorong dalam gua itu.

Awalnya semua berjalan lancar sampai sebuah badai yang tiba-tiba datang membanjiri jalan keluar mereka dan tak mungkin lagi Frank dan timnya keluar lewat jalan yang seharusnya, tak ada pilihan selain mencoba mencari jalan keluar lain. Sayangnya, lorong-lorong dalam gua itu tak terlalu bersahabat. Mencari jalan keluar bukanlah permasalahan mudah.

R E V I E W [English]

However good a preparation, there's always the unexpected X factor. Frank McGuire (Richard Roxburgh) knew it but sometimes there are times when people had never predict how much risk he faced because of the emergence of the X factor earlier. When Frank realized, it was too late and all that remains is a strong will to survive.

Frank may have been exploring caves in Esa-ala for months but when the storm forced the Franks and his team go deeper, they discover the wonders of the world who may never have witnessed other people. At the same time, Frank and his team must find a way out immediately. They could not have stayed there longer or they will forever be residents of the halls in the cave.

At first all went well until a storm that had suddenly come flooding their way out and no longer possible to Frank and his team go out the way it should, there is no choice but to try to find another way out. Unfortunately, the halls in the cave was not too friendly. Seeking a way out is not easy problems.

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The Chronicle of Narnia

Date Released : 10 December 2010
Quality : R5
Info :
Starring : Ben Barnes, Skandar Keynes and Georgie Henley
Genre : Adventure | Family | Fantasy

R E S E N S I [Indonesian]

Edmund Pevensie (Skandar Keynes) dan Lucy Pevensie (Georgie Henley) kembali harus berurusan dengan negeri dongeng saat secara tidak sengaja sebuah lukisan tiba-tiba saja membawa mereka kembali ke negeri Narnia. Sepertinya kedatangan dua bersaudara ini juga diharapkan oleh warga Narnia karena negeri ini sedang menghadapi masalah besar dan bantuan Pevensie bersaudara jelas akan diperlukan.

Saat sedang melihat-lihat sebuah lukisan, tiba-tiba saja lukisan ini hidup dan menelan Edmund dan Lucy. Bukan hanya mereka berdua, Eustace Scrubb (Will Poulter) pun ikut terbawa ke negeri Narnia. Mereka masuk ke negeri dongeng ini dan kembali bertemu dengan Caspian (Ben Barnes) yang kini telah menjadi raja dan sedang dalam perjalanan mencari tujuh orang bangsawan yang hilang.

Petualangan berawal di Lone Island dan berlanjut hingga ke ujung dunia. Dalam petualangan ini, banyak yang terjadi dan salah satunya adalah saat Eustace berubah menjadi naga karena kesalahannya. Berhasilkah mereka menemukan ketujuh bangsawan yang hilang ini? Atau perjalanan kali ini tak akan membawa hasil apapun?.

R E V I E W [English]

Edmund Pevensie (Skandar Keynes) and Lucy Pevensie (Georgie Henley) back to deal with the fairy tale by accident when a painting suddenly brought them back to the land of Narnia. Looks like the arrival of two brothers is also expected by the citizens of Narnia because this country is facing big problems and help clear Pevensie siblings will be required.

When were looking at a painting, all of a sudden this painting alive and swallow Edmund and Lucy. Not only are they both, Eustace Scrubb (Will Poulter) was carried on in the land of Narnia. They went into this fairy tale and re-met with Caspian (Ben Barnes) who has now become king, and was on his way to find the seven missing lords.

Adventure begins in the Lone Island and continued until the end of the world. In this adventure, a lot is happening and one of them is when Eustace is turned into a dragon because of his mistake. Did they find the seven lost lords of this? Or the trip this time will not bring any results?.

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The Man From Nowhere

Date Released : 5 August 2010
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Starring : Bin Won, Sae-ron Kim and Hyo-seo Kim
Genre : Action | Crime | Thriller

R E S E N S I [Indonesian]

Film ini tergolong simple. Bercerita tentang Tae Sik ( Won Bin ), seorang pemuda pendiam yang memiliki masa lalu kelam dan berusaha untuk beradaptasi kembali dengan lingkungan sekitarnya setelah sembuh dari masa lalu yang kelam tersebut. Secara tidak sengaja, Tae Sik berhubungan baik dengan seorang anak kecil bernama So Mi ( Sae-ron ) yang merupakan tetangganya. Lambat laun, hubungan mereka yang kaku pun bisa cair dan terjadilah hubungan yang tulus antara kedua orang ini.

Tae Sik sangat memperhatikan So Mi bagaikan adik kecilnya bahkan mungkin cenderung seperti putri kandungnya sendiri, sedangkan So Mi memperlakukan Tae Sik layaknya kakak kandungnya. Namun suatu ketika, terjadilah peristiwa penculikan So Mi yang dilakukan oleh sebuah geng narkoba pimpinan Man-sik ( Hee-won ) dan Jong-sik ( Seong-oh ). Tak Cuma menculik So Mi yang merupakan teman Tae Sik satu – satunya, namun juga ibunda So Mi, Hyo-jeong pun juga diculik. Akhirnya diketahuilah bahwa ibunda So Mi ternyata bekerja sebagai dealer pada sebuah geng Narkoba pimpinan Man-sik dan Jong-sik. Tae Sik pun disangka sebagai salah seorang kurir geng narkoba, sehingga diapun dipaksa oleh geng tersebut untuk mengantarkan narkoba kepada seorang pimpinan geng narkoba bernama Mr Oh dengan tujuan untuk menjatuhkan kekuasaan Mr Oh dan membuat Man-sik dan Jong-sik sebagai pemegang kekuasaan pengedar narkoba.

Tae Sik pun dijebak dan Hyo-jeong pun dibunuh serta mayatnya disembunyikan di sebuah mobil yang dikendarai oleh Tae Sik. Mengetahui bahwa ternyata geng narkoba tersebut juga terlibat dengan organisasi perdagangan organ tubuh manusia, maka Tae Sik pun mengerahkan segala cara dan kemampuannya untuk menyelamatkan So Mi sebelum terlambat, walaupun itu akhirnya harus membuatnya kembali ke jalan penuh kekerasan dan brutal seperti yang pernah dilakukannya dulu dan juga bisa membuatnya kehilangan nyawanya!

R E V I E W [English]

The film is quite simple. Tells of Tae Sik (Won Bin), a taciturn young man who has a dark past and try to adapt back to the surrounding environment after recovering from a dark past that. Inadvertently, Tae Sik relate well with a little boy named So Mi (Sae-ron), which is a neighbor. Gradually, their relationship could be liquid rigid and there was a genuine relationship between these two men.

Tae Sik very concerned Mi So like a little sister might even tend to like his own daughter, while Tae-Sik So Mi treats like his brother. But one day, it happened So Mi kidnapping committed by a drug gang led Man-sik (Hee-won) and Jong-sik (Seong-oh). Not Just kidnap So Mi who was a friend Tae Sik one - only, but also the mother of So Mi, Hyo-Jeong was also kidnapped. So eventually they will know that Mi's mother was working as a dealer in a drug gang leader and Jong Man-sik-sik. Tae Sik was mistaken for one of his gang drug courier, so that he too was forced by gangs to deliver drugs to a drug gang leader named Mr. Oh with the aim to overthrow Mr Oh and make Man-sik and Jong-sik as the holder of the power of drug traffickers.

Tae Sik was trapped and Hyo-jeong was killed and his body hidden in a car driven by Tae Sik. Knowing that drug gangs were also involved with the organization of trade in human organs, then Tae Sik also mobilize all means and ability to save Mi So before it's too late, although it should eventually make it back to the streets full of violence and brutal as it had done before and also could make him lose his life!

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The Reef

Date Released : 2010
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Starring : Damian Walshe-Howling, Gyton Grantley and Adrienne Pickering
Genre : Drama | Horror | Thriller

R E V I E W [English]

Luke welcomes his friend Matt and his girlfriend Suzie that come from London and Matt's sister and Luke's former girlfriend Kate that comes from Sydney to sail with him and the sailor Warren in a sailboat. However, the vessel hits an underwater rock and capsizes with an opening on her bottom. Luke advises that they should swim in the north direction to reach the Turtle Island, in Queensland, Australia, while they have strength since there is a current moving the boat in the opposite direction of land but Warren prefers to stay on the hull waiting for help since there are sharks in the water. The quartet swims, but they are hunted by a great white shark.

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Pengantin Pantai Biru

Date Released : 23 September 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Starring : Cathrine Wilson, Keith Foo and Uli Auliani
Genre : Horror
R E S E N S I [Indonesian]

Ryan (Keith Foo), Naomy (Uli Auliani), Amel (Debby Ayu), Jazzy (Cynthiara Alona), Jojo (Fendi Trihartanto) dan Gathan (Yoga Hoebnerj) mengunjungi sebuah pantai terpencil namun dikenal indah disebuah desa pedalaman yang masih tradisional, dimana masyarakatnya masih sangat percaya dengan hal-hal berbau mistik. Solikum (Toro Margen), lelaki tua penjaga penginapan memperingatkan mereka untuk berhati-hati terhadap makhluk gaib yang berkeliaran disekitar pantai dan hutan

Pada saat Ryan dan teman-temannya bersuka ria dipantai, Amel tanpa sengaja memotret sosok wanita bergaun pengantin. Solikum meyakinkan mereka bahwa wanita tersebut adalah Dedemit Samber nyawa, namun Amel dan Naomy tidak percaya

Satu persatu dari menghilang bahkan tewas. Yang tertinggal hanya Naomy, Ryan dan Maya yang yakin bahw ateman-teman mereka tewas bukan dibunuh oleh dedemit samber nyawa. Asumsi ini diperkuat oleh fakta bahwa Maya mengenali wanita itu sebagai Emily (Chaterine Wilson), kakaknya yang hilang saat berbulan madu

Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi pada Emily dan suaminya? Bagaimana nasib Maya, Naomy dan Ryan?

R E V I E W [English]

Ryan (Keith Foo), Naomi (Uli Auliani), Amelia (Debby Ayu), Jazzy (Cynthiara Alona), Jojo (Fendi Trihartanto) and Gathan (Yoga Hoebnerj), visit a secluded beach known but beautiful countryside in a village that is still traditional, where society is still strongly believe in mystical things. Solikum (Toro Margen), inn keeper old man warned them to beware of a supernatural being which roam around the beaches and forests

By the time Ryan and his friends beach revelers, Amel accidentally photographing female figure dressed bride. Solikum convincing them that the woman is dedemit Samber lives, but do not believe Amel and Naomi

One by one from disappearing even killed. That left only Naomi, Ryan and the Mayans who believed bahw ateman their friends killed not killed by dedemit Samber life. This assumption is reinforced by the fact that the Maya recognized the woman as Emily (Catherine Wilson), the sister who disappeared during honeymoon

What really happened to Emily and her husband? How the fate of Maya, Naomi and Ryan?

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Pemburu Hantu

Date Released : 28 January 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Starring : Poppy Bunga, Farah Hatim and Putri Arifanti
Genre : Horror

 R E S E N S I

Jika rumah ditinggal dan dikosongkan lebih berbulan atau bertahun-tahun, maka jangan disalahkan, jika penghuninya adalah para makhluk ghaib. Hanya Pak.Budi (Tenno Ali) dan anaknya, Ikhsan (Randy Tanaya) yang selalu setia merawat rumah batu milik keluarga Ibu.Ranty

Itulah disaat rumah batu Ranty (Farah hatim) ibu dari Vika (Poppy Bunga), yang sudah lama tidak dihuni menjadi tempat berkumpulnya mahluk ghaib. Hal tersebut dirasakan oleh Vika, yang kerap selalu membayangi kahidupan Vika. Suster ngesot, Genderewo, kuntilanak, tuyul, dan pocong, selalu saja mengganggu dirumah tersebut. Selain itu, rumah tersebut juga menyimpan misteri yang tidak diungkapkan oleh Ranty

Hantu wanita yg kerap menteror penghuni rumah batu adalah sosok jelmaan Jin yg mendiami rumah batu tersebut. Bahkan keberadaan jasad Diana (Jenny Cortez) yg selalu terlihat wujudnya di rumah batu tidak pernah diketahui oleh siapapun. Bisikan dan rayuan Jin kepada diri anak manusia yang selalu menggoda dan menyesatkan membuat Donna (Putri Arifanti) tidak bisa mengelak ajakan untuk berbuat maksiat dan menjatuhkan diri dari balkon atas sampai mati

Hadirnya kembali Tim Pemburu Hantu semata menjalankan tugas mulia demi membantu sesama hamba Allah untuk membebaskan mereka dari gangguan Jin. Misteri apakah yang membuat rumah tersebut menjadi rumah yang sangat menyeramkan?. Tim pemburu hantu mengungkap misteri dibalik rumah tersebut. Dan bagaimanakah Tim Pemburu Hantu mengusir para makhluk ghaib tersebut? Apakah kali ini mereka berhasil?

R E V I E W [English]

If a house is abandoned and emptied more months or years, then do not blame, if the residents are the supernatural beings. Only Pak.Budi (Tenno Ali) and her son, Ikhsan (Randy Tanaya) who is always faithful to care for a family-owned stone houses Ibu.Ranty

That's when a stone house Ranty (Farah hatim) mother of Vika (Poppy Flowers), which had long been a gathering place inhabited by supernatural beings. It was felt by Vika, who often always overshadow kahidupan Vika. Sister ngesot, Genderewo, kuntilanak, tuyul, and pocong, always bothering them at home. In addition, the house also keeps the mystery that is not disclosed by Ranty

Ghost woman who often terrorized residents of the house is a stone figure of incarnation Jin who inhabit the stone house. Even the existence of the bodies of Diana (Jennifer Cortez) who is always seen his form in the stone house was never known by anyone. Whispers and seduction to self-Jin human child who was always teasing and misleading makes Donna (Princess Arifanti) could not avoid the call to sinner and threw himself from the balcony above to the death

The presence of the Ghost Hunters team again simply run a noble task to help a fellow servant of God to liberate them from interference Jin. The mystery of what makes a house into a home that really creepy?. Ghost hunter team uncover the mystery behind the house. And how is the Ghost Hunters team evict these supernatural beings? Did they succeed this time?

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Selimut Berdarah

Date Released : 22 July 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Starring : Enno Lerian, Pinkan Mambo, Roy Marten
Genre : Thriller

Ria ( Enno Lerian),Gadis yang tinggal di pulau, cantik, sederhana dan sexy. Hidupnya berubah sejak pertama kali bertemu dengan Dicky {Dimaz andrean}, Melalui Pinkan (Pinkan Mambo), kakaknya Ria, Ria meminta pendapat untuk melangkah kedepan. Pinkan kurang setuju, begitu pun dengan Mawar(artis korea) sahabat Ria.

Hingga suatu malam Ria terjebak dalam suatu gerombolan anak-anak di bawah umur yang ususnya akan di jual oleh sindikat Rehman (Ananda George). Ria berhasil membebaskan mereka semua! Namun untuk membuktikan bahwa Rehman adalah dalang dari semua itu tidaklah mudah.

Dicky akhirnya menderita short term memories syndrome, dimana dia hanya bisa mengingat dalam waktu -/+ 10 menit saja dengan urutan kejadian yang ngacak.

Seorang dokter umum yang sedang mengambil spesialis syaraf yang sangat tertarik dengan Dicky secara fisik, Lena(Melina Zafar) seorang wanita cantik 27 Tahun, pintar, pemberani dan enerjik. Dia semakin tertarik ketika mengetahui dari Profesor pembimbingnya(Roy Marten) bahwa Dicky juga mengidap penyakit yang akan dianalis sebagai bahan penelitian kasus skripsinya kemudian. Dalam penyelidikan Lena tidak sendiri, di bantu oleh sahabat karibnya, Angga(Adhi Pawitra)

Sadis, Seram, Tegang...

R E V I E W [English]

Ria (Enno Lerian), girl who lived on the island, beautiful, simple and sexy. Her life changed since I first met Dick Dimaz Andrean {}, Through Pink (Mambo), her sister Ria, Ria ask opinion to move forward. Pink or less agree, so anything with Rose (Korean artist) friend Ria.

Until one night Ria stuck in a bunch of children under the age of the intestines will be sold by the syndicate Rehman (Anand George). Ria managed to free them all! But to prove that Rehman was the mastermind of all it is not easy.

Dick eventually suffer short-term memories syndrome, in which he could only remember the time - / + 10 minutes with the sequence of events that ngacak.

A general practitioner who was taking nerve specialist who is very interested in physically Dick, Lena (Melina Zafar) a beautiful woman 27 years, smart, courageous and energetic. He's more interested when he learned from his mentor Professor (Roy Marten) that Dick was also suffering from a disease that will be analyzed as a case study thesis later. Lena does not own in the investigation, was helped by her best friend, Anga (Adhi Pawitra)

Sadistic, Seram, Tense ...

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